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Today our Reconnector was all about Responsibility.  We listened to a story about what we could do to show responsibility and discussed what we do at home and at school.
Many people had responsibility to look after their pets, younger siblings and to keep their rooms tidy.  Others had responsibilities to do the dishes, take out rubbish to the bin and tidy their games away.
Our Social Target this week was 'I can show respect to others' and our achievers this week were, Aiza Iqbal, Keira McDonald (Mrs Baxter), Amber Abrams, Emily Lyall, Sophia Osborne and Laima Lowe.  Well done to everyone!
Our Social Target next week will be 'I can be responsible in my choices, actions and words.
Well done to Primary 2, Mrs Elvin's class who have all achieved their Bronze award from Natural Connections for their outdoor learning.  They will be sharing their certificates at home today!