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Today our Reconnector had the theme of Respect.  We have been looking at SHANARRI which is at the centre of our Health & Wellbeing programme in school.  Each letter represents how we can support our pupils - How can we ensure they are Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active, Respected, Responsible and Included.
We talked about Respect being one of our school values too and how important it is to show respect.  We thought the world without respect would be a very sad place.
We watched a story about a Selfish Crocodile who learned to respect others and listened to a rap by some children in a school in the USA about Respect.  The rap said we should treat everybody respectfully.
Our Social Target this week was 'I can set a good example to others' and our Social Target achievers were Sarah Allan, Emily Watt, Glenn Brodie, Eduardo de Oliveira and Emily Page.
Our Social Target next week is 'I can treat others with respect'.