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Dear families,
We've begun a Daily Write. Our first learning focus is using a variety of sentence openers to help make our stories interesting. We write for 15 minutes, proof-read our work and then self-assess, so we practise lots of skills. 

In maths, we looked at identifying factors of a number by asking the question, 'what times tables does a number feature in?' This will support our understanding when we learn to find fractions of a number next week.

We revisited our class charter to discuss the importance of the 5 rules we made at the beginning of the year. These guidelines are there to support a positive learning environment where everyone's rights are respected. The children have written them in their best handwriting and will bring a copy of them home for you to see. 

In topic we explored the tech developments of the camera. We identified sources of light, and objects that reflect light and explored the fact that light travels in straight lines, using mirrors and torches. 

 Mrs Brand and Mrs Elvin