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Happy New Year!  We wish you and your families a very happy and healthy 2019.  Last term was very busy for P2 in the run up to Christmas.  We enjoyed having a mini enterprise where we made wooden tree decorations and hot chocolate reindeers.  Our company was very successful and all products sold out at the Christmas Fayre.  We worked very hard to learn all about Living Things and particularly enjoyed our work on mini beasts.  Mr Palomo thoroughly enjoyed making the clay mini-beasts with parents – not sure parents were as pleased, clay does get everywhere!  This all complemented the excellent learning in literacy and numeracy too.
However, that was so last term!  Term 3 has arrived and we are all raring to go!  We have so much to look forward to this term.  We are hoping to go to the Music Festival and the Creative Dance Festival so we will be practising in class with Mr Palomo and with Mrs Hay.  Our project work this term will be Food and Farming and already the children are so excited about the topic.  We will be learning lots about food that is grown in Scotland and around the world, gathering information from a variety of sources.  We are hoping to visit a working farm to see how food is produced and we will be visited by a Farmer who will tell us all about his job.  At the end of this term, you will be invited to see all of the classes in the school perform songs and dances as part of our Easter assembly.
Finally, we are creating a visual Memory Box in class where we will gather pictures, tickets, thoughts or other examples of things that are happening in school or at home.  We would appreciate your support in this.  We will reflect on this at the end of Term.