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Good Afternoon, 

I can’t believe how quickly this last week of P1/2 has gone. We have had such a lovely end to the year filled with many exciting highlights.

On Monday we wrote letters and drew portraits to pass to our new teachers, so they won’t forget us over the holidays.

We were especially proud of our P7’s, and enjoyed watching them perform the P7 show ‘Joseph and his technicoloured dream coat’ and watching their P7 Leavers assembly. We particularly enjoyed seeing all the baby pictures and how much our buddies have grown over their years at Canmore Primary School. We will miss all the P7’s as they go off to high school but wish them all the very best for their next step along the road.

The greatest highlight of the week was the Bouncy Castle and slide house treat. We enjoyed bouncing and sliding so much that we even commented that it was ‘the best day ever!.’ Our special ice-lolly treat definitely cooled us down. 

Now a little note from Miss Yorkston;

Firstly, I would like to take the time to thank you all for the lovely gifts, I am certainly a very lucky teacher to have had such kind and thoughtful children and families as part of my class this year. Thank you also for the support you have given me as well as your children throughout this year, it is very much appreciated.  I have had a wonderful year teaching your children. They have shown amazing hard work and resilience through this rather unpredictable year and it has been an absolute pleasure to work with them and watch them grow not only physically but in confidence as well.

I will miss you all dearly boys and girls but I look forward to seeing you all back at school for P2 and P3. 

I wish you all a relaxing, fun and well-deserved summer, fingers crossed the sun makes an appearance.

Best Wishes
Miss Yorkston