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It is hard to believe that we have already completed one whole term in Primary 6B. What a jam packed term it has been! We have LOVED our project on Edinburgh, exploring maps, the ancient history and learning all about the landmarks in our capital city! When we come back from the break, we will explore the spooky side of the city to end our project.

We have also enjoyed reading our class novel Catscape by local author Mike Nicholson. We are super excited to announce that Mike will be visiting us next term (on the first Thursday back) to talk about his book and answer some of our questions about being an author!

We have enjoyed having Janet in this week from the Rotary club. Janet was telling us all about Ending Polio Now and has kindly gifted some crocuses to our school to plant as part of our outdoor learning next session.

We also celebrated the winning house of the term and had a lovely afternoon of activities at the end of the week.

Have a great holiday and rest, 

Miss Graham