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What a fabulous end of term we have enjoyed in Primary 4/5!
This week started off with us having a special treat of watching the Primary 2/3 creative dance performance. The children did a great job and our class enjoyed watching siblings/younger friends showcase their talents. The week also provided an extra treat for the winning house on Thursday afternoon. Miss Graham has been super impressed with all pupils' and the house points they have gained in Term 3 but a BIG WELL DONE to the winning house FIRE!

As we continued looking at coordinates in numeracy this week, we combined our Easter excitement and coordinate skills to create a Easter hunt around our school grounds. We also enjoyed looking at the Easter story in RME this week, sequencing and discussing the main events that Christians celebrate at this time of year. As part of our class celebrations, we made some Easter crafts, Easter poems AND had the chance to do some Easter cooking! 
What a super end to a very busy term. 

Take care over the two week break and I look forward to seeing you all for the final term in Primary 4/5!

Miss Graham