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P7a have made it to the end of term and in style we would like to host a short WW1 Christmas Party as an end of term treat pupils are allowed to bring in a pair of slippers to wear if they wish for tomorrow afternoon. Next term our topic is WW2 and our class novel will begin with Goodnight Mr Tom.  Our Science will continue with electricity and we will start the first week back brainstorming our topic, learning a little about morse code, looking at fractions, percentages and decimals and diary writing.

It has been a privilege and a delight to work with the pupils this year.  We have packed lots of learning into our final week including an incredible visit from Jon Bolton and his emergency vehicle this week. Sadly due to a technical glitch photos were deleted however the experience, I hope, will last a lifetime in the pupils' memories.

P7a were thrilled with the Nativity and many were involved with the show demonstrating our school values admirably.

Looking forward to starting the new year with an incredible class of pupils.

Enjoy the festive fortnight - see you all in January
Mrs Watt.