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Our Junior Sports Leaders and Mrs Hay are busy planning our Sports Day. We are hoping to have this on Thursday 20th May'21 (weather permitting!)
Unfortunately, we are still not in a position to invite parents to this event and will therefore create a video collage of the day to share with you. There will be lots of photos uploaded to Seesaw also for you to view.
We ask that all pupils come dressed in appropriate outdoor sports clothing and footwear and bring the following:
A change of outdoor sports clothing and footwear (or spare socks) should they get wet
A waterproof jacket (an older one preferably)
A named water bottle
Sun hat/cap and sunscreen (please ensure this is labelled with name) should the weather be sunny

We are closely monitoring the weather forecast and checking the condition of our field. A final decision will be made on Tuesday 18th May. Should we have to resort to Plan B then our Sports Day will be moved to Thursday 27th May'21.