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Dear parent/carer,
                   *From Canmore PTA *
Due to ongoing Covid restrictions, we are unable to hold our annual Christmas Fayre in the school this year.  Instead, we have decided to hold a virtual fayre which will give our pupils the chance to show off their wonderful Christmas crafting skills and also promote and support some fantastic local businesses while raising funds for our school.

The fayre can be found  at https://www.facebook.com/groups/584598926155821 

All classes, P1-P7, are currently creating their Christmas crafts, which will be ready soon.  In the meantime why not have a look for some gift ideas at one of our many other stalls, which are detailed below: - 

Stall 14 - Usborne Donna's bookshelf
Stall 15 - Treats Delight
Stall 16 - Kelly's Tropic Skincare
Stall 17 - Glow Nails & Beauty Gifts
Stall 18 - Stacey'sBeauty Treats
Stall 19 - Essens Belleza
Stall 20 - Perfectly Unique Jewellery
Stall 21 - Jenni's Juicy Scents
Stall 22 - Gnome de Plume Arts & Crafts
Stall 23 - Alleviate Essential Pampering
Stall 24 - Sketching Fife
Stall 25 - Millie & Rosie Crafts
Stall 26 - Cuneen Cake Company
Stall 27 - Natasha Kemp Art
Stall 28 - Tinkability Gifts
Stall 29 - Pet Gifts

Thank you for your support