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Together with the virtual Christmas Fayre, our fabulous festive raffle also goes live today, giving you the opportunity to win some great prizes while supporting the PTA's fundraising efforts, with all profits directly benefiting the pupils.

Entry to the raffle is via Stall 13 of our virtual Christmas Fayre, which can be found via The Canmore PTA Virtual Christmas Fayre on Facebook.
The initial batch of tickets covers numbers 1-324 and these will be allocated on a first come basis.  Please select your raffle tickets by leaving a comment in Stall 13, detailing your child's first name, their class and the tickets numbers you would like.

Each ticket costs £1 and you can buy as many as you wish.  Payment should be made in cash via a sealed envelope with child's full name and class and sent into school with your child.It would be helpful to action this promptly following number(s) selection.

If we sell all 324 numbers, additional batches of numbers will then be released.

Thanks for your support!